THE PARADOX OF PRAYER JACK COTTRELL – 2020 QUESTION: If God can do whatever He chooses, and if He really loves us, why doesn’t He answer all of our prayers? ANSWER: The answer to this question might seem … Continue reading
Tag Archives: Prayer
THE BREAD AND CUP OF BLESSING A COMMUNION MEDITATION – Jack Cottrell, February 2018 Imagine you are sharing a meal with some fellow Christians, and you say, “Brother Smith, will you ask the blessing on our food?” The prayer that … Continue reading
GOD’S FOREKNOWLEDGE: WHY IS IT IMPORTANT? JACK COTTRELL – JUNE 2016 My adult Bible study class (First Church of Christ, Greendale, IN) has been studying the book of Romans. Today was our second Sunday on Romans 8:29, and our focus … Continue reading
DOES GOD CARE HOW WE VOTE? A sermon preached by Jack Cottrell at First Church of Christ, Greendale, IN, May 22, 2016. Just so there is no misunderstanding, I am NOT posing the question, “Does God tell us FOR WHOM … Continue reading
QUESTION: Does the Bible teach that God knows the future? ANSWER: This is the question of divine foreknowledge. One of the main attributes of God is called “omniscience,” which literally means the knowledge of everything. As usually applied, to say … Continue reading
QUESTION: Yesterday our class had a discussion about questioning God and being angry with God. My understanding is that questioning God is acceptable if done with the proper attitude and “heart,” but that being angry with God (blaming God, accusing … Continue reading
QUESTION: How do you reconcile James 5:13-20 with your explanation of 1 John 1:9? You have said that the latter does not mean that confession of a Christian’s specific sins is a condition for their being forgiven. But James 5:14-16 … Continue reading
THE PARADOX OF PRAYER by Jack Cottrell (Notes) on Monday, June 13, 2011 at 1:17pm THE PARADOX OF PRAYER: JAMES 5:13-18 (A SERMON PREACHED 5/29/11) THE PARADOX: If God can do whatever He chooses, and if He really loves … Continue reading
Are Exorcisms Miraculous? by Jack Cottrell (Notes) on Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 2:33pm THE FOLLOWING QUESTION comes in response to my note, “Why Demonic Works in a Christian Context?” In this note I affirm the cessationist view of miraculous … Continue reading
Is the Bible Revealed, Inspired, or Both? by Jack Cottrell (Notes) on Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 1:56pm A RECENT QUESTION: “I’m going through ‘The Holy Spirit’ with a church group right now. I realize that not all of the … Continue reading